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Glass Tea Cup 玻璃茶杯 (350ml)

RM 28.00
Glass Tea Cup 玻璃茶杯 (350ml) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes

泡一杯茶, 其實並不複雜. 您不需要一整套繁瑣的茶具, 也可以清幽的享用一杯好茶.

除了那幽香的茶香之外, 看著茶葉 / 花茶 在水中, 從細小皺疊著的模樣, 逐漸被熱水慢慢濕潤、浸透, 然後再像忙碌了一整天的你, 暫時抽離疲累與繁雜的事務、 站起身來、伸了一個大大的懶腰那般, 伸展著. 所有的辛累與疲勞在那一刻, 隨著茶葉 / 花茶的舞姿而釋放.

一個簡單操作又通透輕盈的杯子, 非常快速的就能讓您享有片刻的me time.  

- 無毒、無鉛、高硼硅材質製造.

- 人工吹製.

- 寬口設計方便清洗.

- 內壁圓潤不沾附污垢.

- 杯緣圓潤不傷口.

- 手把設計不燙手.

- 杯蓋, 濾杯和外杯三件套組, 可以過濾茶葉.

- 濾杯底部12道濾縫能更好的阻隔細小茶葉.

- 耐高溫, 可直接在電磁爐或茶燭上加熱. 

- 冷熱溫度突變也不會炸裂.

- 輕巧透明, 邊泡茶邊享受茶葉/花茶在水中舒展開來的視覺效果.

容量: 約 350ml

尺寸: 8.5 x 12 x 12 cm

重量: 約 240g 左右

收藏方式: 請收在乾燥陰涼處.


  • 第一次使用杯子前, 請先用溫和的清潔劑和海綿輕輕擦拭清洗.
  • 將清洗後的濾杯放到外杯中, 在濾杯裡加入茶葉 / 花茶.
  • 將熱水注入到濾杯裡, 水量約到杯子的7分滿左右.
  • 蓋上杯蓋悶泡 5 -10分鐘.
  • 時間到後, 打開杯蓋並將杯蓋倒置在桌面上, 杯蓋的內口朝上.
  • 小心將濾杯慢慢地從杯子中抽提起來, 等待濾杯中的茶水過濾到外杯裡.
  • 當茶水過濾完畢之後, 將濾杯放在倒置的杯蓋內口裡面.
  • 一杯細心悶泡好的茶, 就可以開始享用了.
  • 若您想要再次回泡茶葉 / 花茶的話, 請將濾杯放入外杯中, 再注入熱水、然後蓋上杯蓋悶泡 5 - 10分鐘即可.
  • 使用完畢後的茶杯, 請用溫和的清潔劑和海綿輕輕擦拭清洗即可.
  • 若是濾杯的濾縫中有茶葉卡著的話, 可以使用乾淨的軟毛牙刷、在水龍頭流動的水下輕輕刷洗即可. 請勿過度用力刷洗, 以免造成濾縫損壞破裂.


  • 在打開杯蓋和抽起濾杯時, 請小心熱燙的茶水.
  • 建議收納茶杯時, 請將濾杯和杯蓋一起置入外杯中.
  • 若是濾杯的濾縫已有斷裂破損, 則不建議再繼續使用濾杯.
  • 請將茶杯放置在嬰兒、孩童無法觸碰到的位置.

A simple way to have a cozy tea time without using a full set of teaware.

- Manufactured by non-toxic, lead-free, high borosilicate material.

- Handmade by craftsman.

- Wide mouth design is convenient for cleaning.

- The cup's inner wall is round and smooth, also don't have any angle, easy for cleaning.

- The edge of the cup is round and smooth, and won't cut the mouth.

- With the handle design to prevent hot.

- A three-piece set of cup lid, filter cup and outer cup.

- The 12 filter slits at the bottom of the filter cup can better block small tea leaves.

- The cup is high temperature resistance, can be heated directly on induction cooker or tea candle.

- Sudden changes in hot and cold temperatures will not burst.

- Lightweight and transparent, enjoy the visual effect of tea / flower tea unfolding in the water while making tea.

Capacity: around 350ml

Size: 8.5 x 12 x 12 cm

Weight: around 240g

Storage Advice: Please keep at dry cold place.

How to use:

  • Before using the cup for the first time, please wash it gently with mild detergent and sponge.
  • Put the cleaned filter cup into the outer cup, and add tea / flower tea into the filter cup.
  • Pour hot water into the filter cup, the amount of water is about 70% full of the cup.
  • Cover the lid and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  • When the time is up, open the lid and place the lid upside down on the table, with the inner opening of the lid facing up.
  • Carefully lift the filter cup slowly from the cup, and wait for the tea in the filter cup to filter into the outer cup.
  • After the tea has been filtered, place the filter cup inside the inner opening of the inverted cup lid.
  • A cup of carefully brewed tea is ready to enjoy.
  • If you want to make another round of tea / flower tea again, put the filter cup into the outer cup, pour hot water, cover the lid and let it soak for another 5-10 minutes.
  • After used the tea cup, please wash it gently with mild detergent and sponge.
  • If there are tea leaves stuck in the filter slit of the filter cup, you can use a clean soft toothbrush and gently scrub under the running water of the faucet. Do not scrub with excessive force to avoid damage to the filter slit.


  • When opening the lid and pulling up the filter cup, please be careful of the hot tea.
  • It is recommended that when storing tea cups, please put the filter cup and the lid into the outer cup together.
  • If the filter slit of the filter cup is broken, it is not recommended to continue to use the filter cup.
  • Keep the tea cup out of the reach of babies and children.


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