Frozen Dried Lemon Slices 凍乾檸檬片- 60g/pack
RM 8.00
採用真空冷凍乾燥技術處理, 保留更多的維生素C與營養. 味道濃郁香甜, 入口潤喉, 少了苦澀口感.
- 清新芳香能提神醒腦, 消除疲勞與壓力.
- 具抗菌和抗氧化作用.
- 緩解泌尿系統疾病的不適(如膀胱炎和腎結石等)
- 緩解感冒前兆不適, 解熱退燒.
- 促進食慾, 減輕脹氣和消化不良.
- 取出2-4片檸檬片, 放入 350ml-400ml容量的杯中 / 茶壺中.
- 加入溫度約90-95度的熱水, 蓋上杯蓋 / 壺蓋, 悶蒸浸泡3-5分鐘.
- 時間到後, 喝看看茶杯中的茶水 / 將茶壺中的茶水倒在杯中試喝看看, 香氣和口味是否合適.
- 若合您口味, 那就能開始享用您的花草茶了.
- 當然, 您也能添加一些蜂蜜 / 黃糖 / 天然的甜味植物---甜菊葉來增添風味.
- 若想泡製成冷飲, 可以在泡好後加入冰塊 / 放入冰箱中冷藏後再飲用.
- 所有的花草茶都建議在當日泡製後、當日飲用完畢.
- 嬰兒不建議飲用.
- 若您正在服用任何藥物/進行任何醫療療程的話, 請先洽詢您醫生的建議.
It is processed by freeze dryer to retain more vitamin C and nutrients. The taste is rich and sweet, and the bitter taste is less.
- The fresh fragrance can refresh the mind and relieve fatigue & stress.
- It has antibacterial and anti-oxidant effects.
- Relieve the discomfort of urinary system diseases (such as cystitis and kidney stones, etc.)
- Relieve the symptoms of colds, relieve fever and reduce body heat.
- Promote appetite, reduce flatulence and indigestion.
Brewing Instruction
- Take out 2-4 pieces of lemon slices, put into 350ml-400ml cup / teapot.
- Add on 90-95 degrees hot water over the tea bag / herbs, cover with lid and steeps for 3-5 mins.
- After that, try with your tea. Will the taste okay for you?
- If the taste suit you, then you can start to enjoy with your tea now.
- Of course, you also can add on honey / raw sugar / natural sweetener plant --- stevia leaf for better taste.
- If you wish to have a cold herbal tea, just add on ice cubes as you like. Or, you can chill it in the fridge.
Storage Advice
Please store in airtight container and chill in fridge.
- All herbal teas are recommended to be consumed on the same day after brewing.
- Not recommended to infant.
- Patients who are undertaking any kind of medicine and/or medical treatment, please seeking your doctor advice before consume.
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