Non-Woven Tea Leaves Filter Bag 不織布抽繩茶葉濾袋-50 sheets/bag
屬於食用級不織布茶袋, 抽繩設計簡單實用, 也不會在茶杯中出現茶葉溢漏現象. 讓您輕鬆喝茶, 不再吃到茶渣.
- 簡單方便使用.
- 輕巧攜帶不佔空間.
- 食用級不織布材質, 無毒、 耐高溫.
- 適用於傳統茶葉, 花茶, 中藥材等.
- 一般的茶杯、 隨身水瓶、 陶瓷茶壺等都可以使用.
內容物: 50個茶袋 / 包.
- 取出茶袋, 將適量茶葉/花茶/藥材放入袋中.
- 將茶袋抽繩束緊打結固定好, 放入茶杯/水瓶/茶壺中.
- 加入熱水悶泡5-10分鐘 (或參考個別茶葉/藥材的建議沖泡時間) 後, 就可以享用了.
- 飲用完畢後, 請將茶袋丟棄到垃圾桶中.
儲藏建議 : 請收到袋中並存放在乾燥陰涼處.
- 茶袋屬於一次性使用物品, 請在使用後丟棄在一般垃圾中即可.
- 請遠離嬰兒、孩童容易拿取到的地方, 以免誤食.
It is a food grade non-woven tea bag. The drawstring design is simple and practical, and there will not has any leaking tea leaves float in the teacup. It allows you to drink tea easily and without any tea dregs again.
- Simple and convenient to use.
- Lightweight to carry along with you and does not take up space.
- Food grade non-woven fabric material, non-toxic, high temperature resistant.
- Suitable for traditional tea leaves, flower tea, Chinese medicinal materials, herbs, etc.
- Can use with all type of tea cups, portable drinking bottles, ceramic teapots, etc.
Contents: 50 sheets of tea bags / pack
Brewing Instruction
- Take out 1 piece of tea bag, fill in your tea leaves / flower tea / herbs.
- Tight the tea bag's drawstring and put into your cup / portable drinking bottle / teapot.
- Pour hot water to simmer for 5 - 10 minutes (or refer to your tea leaves / herbs suggested brewing timing), you can enjoy your tea afterwards.
- Please throw the used tea bag into dustbin after finished your drink.
Storage: Please keep inside the bag and storage in dry cold place.
- Tea bags are single-use items, please throw them away in general trash after use.
- Keep away from places where babies and children can easily reach them to avoid accidental ingestion.