Herbal Tea On-to-go 養生隨你行
RM 10.00
我們希望生活中的養身是再自然不過的一種習慣. 於是, 推出了瓶裝花草茶.
每一瓶花草茶, 都經過繁複的步驟: 清洗、晾乾、挑選材料、配製、沖泡熬煮、消毒滅菌、裝瓶、包裝. 用心地在每一個步驟親手處理著.
容量: 300ml/瓶
For our ambitions of bringing the healthier lifestyle into everyone's living habit, we produce our flower tea in bottle. Now you can have our "Herbal Tea On-to-go" anytime, anywhere.
Flavor: Slimming, Summer Essence , Blueberry, Peach
Volume: 300ml/bottle
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