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事事如意 新春禮袋 Customized Gift Box-I

RM 88.00
事事如意 新春禮袋 Customized Gift Box-I Ratings: 0 - 0 votes

事事如意 禮袋

- 瓶裝花茶 x 4 瓶 (口味隨機) 
Bottled flower tea x 4 bottles (random flavors)

- 罐裝散花茶 x 2 罐 [水蜜桃果粒茶, 清熱止咳 花茶] (茶罐顏色隨機)
Loose flower tea in tin [Peach Fruits Tea , Cough Relief] (tea tin in random colors)

- 環保毛氈袋 x 1 個 
Flet Bag x 1

- CNY 賀卡與燈飾
Greeting card & CNY deco x 1 個


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